101 research outputs found


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    Researchers work hard to embrace technological changes and redefine the quality management as Quality 4.0 (Q 4.0). In this context, the purpose of the current work is twofold. First, it aims to compare the preparedness of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for sustaining in Q4. Second, it intends to propose a novel hybrid spherical fuzzy based multi-criteria group decision-making (MAGDM) framework with Einstein aggregation (EA). A real-life case study on six SMEs is carried out with the help of three experts. For aggregating the individual responses (using spherical fuzzy numbers or SFNs), EA is used. Then two very recent models such as Simple Ranking Process (SRP) and Symmetry Point of Criterion (SPC) are extended using SFN to rank the SMEs. Finally, the validation tests and sensitivity analysis are carried out. It is noted that the application of analytical tools, knowledge management and use of technology under the support and mentorship of visionary leadership are the key criteria for building up the capability to embrace Q 4.0. Interestingly, it is noted that medium scale firms are better prepared than small-scale enterprises. This work is apparently a first of its kind that focuses on SMEs for assessing their quality management practices in Industry 4.0 era

    Multi-Criteria Model for the Selection of Construction Materials: An Approach Based on Fuzzy Logic

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    The process of construction and exploitation of a building passes through the preparation phase, the construction phase and the exploitation phase. Each of these phases involves the selection of criteria and decision making, with the aim of selecting the optimal construction materials for the building. The paper presents a new model for selecting construction materials that is based on fuzzy logic. In order to simulate the expert process of assessing the construction and exploitation of a building during which construction materials are selected, a modular fuzzy logic system was designed with a unique base of knowledge to assist in decision making on the priorities of the construction material. The model consists of four modules that are hierarchically organized on two levels. The size of the output from the model is the measure of a material’s priority. Each of the materials observed (straw, wood, brick and concrete-steel) is assigned a certain value for the criterion function, on the basis of which the user of the system chooses the material for construction. In addition to the structure of the model, the paper presents its testing. Testing was carried out on the case study of selecting materials for the construction of five residential buildings

    A Novel Approach for the Selection of Power-Generation Technology Using a Linguistic Neutrosophic CODAS Method: A Case Study in Libya

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    Rapid increases in energy demand and international drive to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels have led many oil-rich countries to diversify their energy portfolio and resources. Libya is one of these countries, and it has recently become interested in utilizing its renewable-energy resources in order to reduce financial and energy dependency on oil reserves. This paper introduces an original multicriteria decision-making Pairwise-CODAS model in which the modification of the CODAS method was made using Linguistic Neutrosophic Numbers (LNN). The paper also suggests a new LNN Pairwise (LNN PW) model for determining the weight coefficients of the criteria developed by the authors. By integrating these models with linguistic neutrosophic numbers, it was shown that it is possible to a significant extent to eliminate subjective qualitative assessments and assumptions by decision makers in complex decision-making conditions. The LNN PW-CODAS model was tested and validated in a case study of the selection of optimal Power-Generation Technology (PGT) in Libya. Testing of the model showed that the proposed model based on linguistic neutrosophic numbers provides objective expert evaluation by eliminating subjective assessments when determining the numerical values of criteria. A sensitivity analysis of the LNN PW-CODAS model, carried out through 68 scenarios of changes in the weight coefficients, showed a high degree of stability of the solutions obtained in the ranking of the alternatives. The results were validated by comparison with LNN extensions of four multicriteria decision-making models


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    Logistics management has been playing a significant role in ensuring competitive growth of industries and nations. This study proposes a new Multi-Criteria Decision-making (MCDM) framework for evaluating operational efficiency of logistics service provider (LSP). We present a case study of comparative analysis of six leading LSPs in India using our proposed framework. We consider three operational metrics such as annual overhead expense (OE), annual fuel consumption (FC) and cost of delay (CoD, two qualitative indicators such as innovativeness (IN) which basically indicates process innovation and average customer rating (CR)and one outcome variable such as turnover (TO) as the criteria for comparative analysis. The result shows that the final ranking is a combined effect of all criteria. However, it is evident that IN largely influences the ranking. We carry out a comparative analysis of the results obtained from our proposed method with that derived by using existing established frameworks. We find that our method provides consistent results; it is more stable and does not suffer from rank reversal problem

    Modeling of fuzzy logic system for investment management in the railway infrastructure

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    Željeznički putni prijelazi (RLC) su mjesta križanja dviju vrsta prometovanja: cestovnog i željezničkog i potencijalno predstavljaju opasne točke za sudionike u prometu. U općem smislu putni prijelazi mogu biti osigurani nekim od tipova automatskog ili mehaničkog osiguranja (RLC AO) gdje pri prolazu vlaka dolazi do spuštanja rampe za cestovna vozila. Pored toga RLC mogu biti i neosigurani (RLC NO) gdje rampe za vozače ne postoje i gdje su postavljeni samo prometni znakovi i druga oprema. Osiguranje putnog prijelaza s automatskim osiguranjem (AO) zahtijeva veliku investiciju jer su uređaji za osiguranje RLC vrlo skupi i zato što postoji velik broj RLC koji su osigurani prometnim znakovima (RLC NO). Iz tog razloga ne može se očekivati da svi RLC NO budu u programu osiguranja u istom trenutku kako bi se povećala sigurnost prometa na RLC. Proces izbora same lokacije pružnog prijelaza za ugradnju sigurnosne opreme praćen je većim ili manjim stupnjem neodređenosti kriterija koji su neophodni za donošenje relevantne investicijske odluke. U radu je prikazano modeliranje neizrazitog (fuzzy) logičkog sustava koji predstavlja podršku procesu izbora i rangiranja RLC NO koje je potrebno osigurati AO u cilju donošenja pravilne investicijske odluke. Prihvaćeno je sedam kriterija koji imaju utjecaj na donošenje investicijske odluke. Iskustvena znanja eksperata vezano za izbor kriterija i njihove relativne težine, preslikana su u bazu pravila neizrazitog logičkog sustava i formirana je jedinstvena baza znanja pomoću koje se donosi odluka o prioritetima investicije (lista RLC prema prioritetima). Kao izlaz iz sustava dobiva se vrijednost kriterijske funkcije za svaki promatrani RLC. Na osnovu dobivene vrijednosti kriterijske funkcije vrši se rangiranje RLC NO što prikazuje u praksi redoslijed investicijskih ulaganja u AO. U radu je prikazano istraživanje u kojem je izvršeno rangiranje i izbor za investiranje RLC NO na teritoriju Beograda.The railway level crossings (RLCs), places where a railway line and road cross each other at the same level, are considered to be potentially dangerous points for all traffic participants. In general, level crossings may be fitted with automatic and/or mechanically-operated signaling/interlocking systems (RLCsAO) that allow passing of trains by lowering the barrier for the road users. In addition, there are also RLCs provided only with traffic signs and related inventory that have no barriers at all (RLCsNO). Protection of these level crossings by introducing the automatic signaling/interlocking system (AO) calls for significant investments considering the fact that equipment required for RLC modernization is very expensive, not to mention the great number of RLCsNO planned for improvement. Therefore it cannot be expected all level crossings without barriers (RLCsNO) to be upgraded at the same time so as traffic safety level can be properly increased. The method to be followed when choosing which RLC is to be provided with the adequate safety equipment depends on certain criteria relevant for making the proper investment decision. The paper herein deals with modeling of fuzzy logic-based approach that will offer adequate support to management when prioritizing RLCsNO to be provided with automatic signaling/interlocking system (AO). Seven (7) criteria that may affect the investment decision have been identified. The experience-based knowledge of managers (experts) was transferred into the fuzzy logic rule-based system to create the unique knowledge base to be used for making decision on investment priorities (list of RLC according to priorities). The output is a criterion function value that may be applied to any RLC analyzed. Based on the obtained value of the criterion function, RLCsNO are classified in line with investment priorities. The paper also shows a research that covered 88 RLCsNO planned for upgrading on the territory of the City of Belgrade out of which only 25 were nominated for investment due to limited financial resources

    Development of an integrated transport system in distribution centres: a FA\u27WOT analysis

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    Strateško planiranje usmjereno ka transportu zasniva se u osnovi na prilagođavanju promjenama u operativnom okruženju. Analiza prednosti, slabosti, mogućnosti i opasnosti (SWOT) najčešće je rabljen alat za analizu i unutarnje i vanjske sredine, kako bi se postigao sustavni pristup i podrška pri donošenju odluka. U ovom istraživanju pokazujemo kako se neke slabosti SWOT analize mogu izbjeći i kako se ona može razraditi da bi se osigurala sveobuhvatnija podrška odlučivanju. Istraživanje je zasnovano na ekspertnim intervjuima koji su strukturirani prema principima mišljenja usmjerenog na vrijednosti i SWOT analizu. FA\u27WOT je hibridna metoda u kojoj se dobro poznata SWOT analiza kombinira s fuzzy analitičkim hijerarhijskim procesom (FAHP). U radu je prikazana modifikacija Saatyjeve skale tako što su za određivanje težinskih vrijednosti kriterija i alternativa upotrebljeni fuzzy brojevi. Za razliku od radova u kojima je opisan postupak fazifikacije AHP/ANP metode opisani model uzima u obzir stupanj neizvjesnosti donositelja odluke. Na ovaj način, nakon primjene AHP/ANP metode, dobivaju se vrijednosti kriterijskih funkcija za svaku od promatranih alternativa. Dobivenim vrijednostima kriterijskih funkcija odgovara određena vrijednost stupnja uvjerenosti. Za različite vrijednosti stupnja uvjerenosti moguće je generirati različite skupove vrijednosti kriterijskih funkcija. Rabeći ovaj postupak moguće je identificirati i rangirati čimbenike koji utječu na funkcioniranje sustava. FAHP-ova veza s SWOT daje analitički utvrđene prioritete za faktore uključene u SWOT analizu i čini ih mjerljivim. Cilj u primjeni hibridne metode je poboljšati osnove kvantitativnih informacija procesa strateškog planiranja. Primjena hibridnog FA\u27WOT modela prikazana je za određivanje strategije razvoja integralnog transporta u tvornici Lafarge Beocin Cement.Strategic planning which focuses on transport is based fundamentally on adjusting to changes in the operational environment. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis is a commonly used tool for analyzing both the internal and external environments in order to attain a systematic approach and support for a decision-making situation. In this study, we show how some weaknesses of SWOT analysis can be avoided and how it can be elaborated upon in order to provide a more comprehensive decision support. The research was based on expert interviews, which were structured according to the principles of value-focused thinking and SWOT analysis. FA\u27WOT is a hybrid method combining the well known SWOT analysis and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). This paper presents modification of the Saaty-s scale, in which fuzzy numbers have been used for determining weight values of criteria and alternatives. Unlike the papers describing the procedure of fuzzification of the AHP/ANP method, the method described here takes into account the level of uncertainty of the decision maker. After application of the AHP/ANP method in this way, the values of the functions criteria for each considered alternative are obtained. Certain values of the level of certainty are corresponding to the obtained values of the functions criteria. It is possible to generate various sets of the values of criterion functions. Using this procedure it is possible to identify and rank the factors affecting the functioning of a system. FAHP’s connection to SWOT yields analytically determined priorities for the factors included in SWOT analysis and makes them commensurable. The aim in applying the hybrid method is to improve the quantitative information basis of strategic planning processes. The hybrid FA\u27WOT model is used in determining the development strategy for integrated transport in the Lafarge Beocin cement plant


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    The paper presents a hybrid model for decision-making support based on D numbers, the FUCOM method and fuzzified RAFSI method, used for solving the selection of the group of construction machines for enabling mobility. By applying D numbers, the input parameters for the calculation of the weight coefficients of the criteria were provided. The calculation of the weight coefficients of the criteria was performed using the FUCOM method. The best alternative was selected using the fuzzified method, which was conditioned by the specificity of the issue so that in this case, the selection of the best alternative was made using the fuzzified RAFSI method

    Development of a Multi-Criteria Model for Sustainable Reorganization of a Healthcare System in an Emergency Situation Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Healthcare systems worldwide are facing problems in providing health care to patients in a pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). The pandemic causes an extreme disease to spread with fluctuating needs among patients, which significantly affect the capacity and overall performance of healthcare systems. In addition, its impact on the sustainability of the entire economic and social system is enormous and certain sustainable management strategies need to be selected. To meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure sustainable performance, national healthcare systems must adapt to new circumstances. This paper proposes an original multi-criteria methodology for the sustainable selection of strategic guidelines for the reorganization of a healthcare system under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The selection of an appropriate strategic guideline is made on the basis of defined criteria and depending on infection capacity and pandemic spread risk. The criteria for the evaluation of strategic guidelines were defined on the basis of a survey in which the medical personnel engaged in the crisis response team during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Serbia participated. The Level-Based Weight Assessment (LBWA) model and Measuring Attractiveness by a Categorical-Based Evaluation Technique (MACBETH) method were used to determine the weight coefficient criteria, while a novel fuzzy Ranking of Alternatives through Functional Mapping of Criterion Subintervals into a Single Interval (RAFSI) model was used to evaluate the strategic guidelines. The proposed multi-criteria methodology was tested in a case study in the Republic of Serbia. The validity of the proposed methodology is shown through the simulation of changes in input parameters of Bonferroni aggregation functions and through a comparison with other multi-criteria methodologies.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202


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    In the present work, multi-response optimization of electro-discharge machining (EDM) process is carried out based on an experimental analysis of machining superalloy Inconel-718. The study aims at optimizing and determining an optimal set of process variables, namely discharge current (), pulse-on duration () and dielectric fluid-pressure () for achieving optimal machining performance in EDM. Nine independent experiments based on L9 orthogonal array are carried out by using tungsten as the electrode. The productivity performance of the EDM process is measured in terms of material removal rate (MRR) and its cost parameter is measured in terms of tool wear rate (TWR) and electrode wear rate (EWR). The TOPSIS is used in conjunction with five different criterion weight allocation strategies— (namely, mean weight (MW), standard deviation (SDV), entropy, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Fuzzy). While MW, SDV and entropy are based on the objective evaluation of the decision-maker (DM), the AHP can model the DM’s subjective evaluation. On the other hand, the uncertainty in the DM’s evaluation is analyzed by using the fuzzy weighing approach

    Modification of the Logarithm Methodology of Additive Weights (LMAW) by a Triangular Fuzzy Number and Its Application in Multi-Criteria Decision Making

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    The Logarithm Methodology of Additive Weights (LMAW) method is a very young method and in its basic form is defined for crisp values. In this paper, the LMAW method was improved by being modified with triangular fuzzy numbers. The modification significantly improved the capacity of the LMAW method to consider uncertainty in decision making. The special importance of the method is reflected in a relatively simple mathematical apparatus due to which it is possible to define, with high quality, weight coefficients of criteria and rank alternative solutions in uncertain environments. The method was tested in solving the problem of the location selection for a landing operations point (LOP) in combat operations of the army. The validation of the obtained results was performed: (1) by means of comparison with the Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting (FSAW) Method, the Fuzzy Multi-Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison (FMABAC), the fuzzy Višekriterijumsko KOmpromisno Rangiranje (FVIKOR), the fuzzy COmpressed PRoportional ASsessment (FCOPRAS), and the fuzzy Multi Attributive Ideal-Real Comparative Analysis (FMAIRCA); (2) by means of sensitivity analysis by changing the weight coefficients of criteria; and (3) using simulation software. In comparison with other methods, the quality of the ranking of alternative solutions was confirmed, which highlighted the special importance of the fuzzy LMAW method relative to that of certain standard methods, respectively, the ones that are often used and confirmed in practice. On the other hand, the sensitivity analysis, including the changing of the weight coefficients of criteria, showed that the model could tolerate smaller errors in defining the weight coefficients of criteria, and it provided stable results. Finally, the validation of results achieved with the use of simulation software confirmed the obtained output results. The output results confirmed the quality of the modified method